Differentiating between Affect, Feeling, Emotion, Sentiment, and Opinion Detection in Text

In April 2014, my colleagues and I published an article in the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing journal titled “Are They Different? Affect, Feeling, Emotion, Sentiment, and Opinion Detection in Text.” In writing the paper, I didn’t know that it was going to end up being one of  one my most  read and cited paper.  The paper made […]

What assumptions and limitations do the theories of emotion pose on the detection of emotion in text?

One of my areas of interest and expertise is emotion detection. In this post, I look at the existing theories of emotion, in particular the assumptions and limitations they set on the detection of emotion in text. In the literature on emotion detection, no unified or generally accepted theory of emotion exists. However, there are […]

Six New Publications: in NLG, OSS, and Experimentation

In academia, they say that you either publish or perish, thus it was good news to know that this year, I was not going to be falling under the latter. In June and July, I received news of six publications that were accepted, putting me in an even better mood before going for summer holidays. […]

Detecting antisocial behavior in text

The words we use and our writing styles can reveal information about our preferences, thoughts, emotions and intentions. Using this information, I developed machine learning models that can detect antisocial behaviors, such as hate speech and indications of violence, from texts, as part of my recently defended PhD dissertation, titled “Leveraging emotion and word based features for […]