Let the data do the talking in your CV and cover letter: Mastering the art of quantifying achievements

I recently came across a great CV and was reminded of the power data has to make someone stand out. It’s one thing for example to say you were responsible for social media marketing vs creating a social media campaign that resulted in X number of impressions, leads or engagement, or that you were a […]

Beauty in Data: Experiences from a data visualization competition

I have written before about the importance of visualizations in communicating insights (here). Having the skill to create beautiful and insightful visualizations is a great arsenal to have in one’s pocket and I always wish I had more time to hone that skill. Although creating visualizations is part of my everyday data analysis work, from using them to explore the data, look for trends […]

Importance of Communication and Visualization Skills in Data Science

Last week, I lead the second session of the Finland-Uganda Data Science Meetups. The topic for this session was data import, cleaning and pre-processing, and visualizations. In the session, we welcomed senior data scientist, Jukka Toivanen, who shared with us the importance of good communication and visualization skills in data science. With the image below, […]